Thursday, 14 March 2013

invincible cairo

The city of everything . A life story from the western bank to the eastern one . Of lost greenery , and of a current concrete mountains . Of  a far away sighted great mosque on a hill , Of decaying tombs in the heart of the history's realm .A once blue thread of life coming from the south , and ending to the dirty outlet of the delta , an upside down pyramid , as if it is a sign drawn on our map , to tell us that is how our life is now , an upside down pyramid ...which is pointing down to Cairo , the master mind of Egypt , the muscles , the heart and the brain . She has no definite boundries , as she gives birth every minute to a new native that will set his house somewhere in the outskirts , because it's lands are way too expensive for a newcomer , now go there little child , when you grow up a little , she may find a place for you among your older brothers and sisters . But still she is like a holding grip to the blue thread that is the only thing that keeps her alive , she absorbs energy from all around her , like a black hole in the galaxy , that is going to explode after having so much energy in her core . She has older sisters in south the country , and also in the north , she is not the youngest , but she was too selfish to demand everything to be for her . And when she had everything that none else could've had , she looked outside her house , she opened Egypt's window and looked at her neighbours in the deserts , she thought she was superior , then she looked at the other way , the green mountains and meadows , there she found more superiority . Grew jealous like any other beautiful model who found someone that can challenge her , an other ...But her good children couldn't do any more good for her .She forgot herself , and went mad , she wants more!There were some little children who wanted more like she did , and convinced her they will bring her back the glory she once had , on one condition , to let them deal with the whole thing all by theirselves ..without sharing the plans with their other siblings She did agree , but then was fooled when she found out they were building their own glory ...while their siblings were working hard for their mother to keep her standing . Naturally , she got sick and weary , and if she gave birth to a new offspring , they were deformed ...defectied inheritance , and weak DNA , fading connectection to the true identity , strength ..brain washed past , mixed bread , not fully human shape ...So when the one identity gets mixed up with the external factors and intrudance , and internal defections  , the new born offspring finds himself with no basic purpose , and the older ones are either not acting about it , or weaping on the lost crown , or not trusting their successors to be trustworthy to handle the situation of their ill mother , and most importantly , the rest of her sisters as one big family ...and it's all about the family , if the family as a structural unit fell into pieces , each piece will pursuit it's own happiness , to the point that it might destruct the other pieces for the self's sake .Millions of Cairo's children now are in  need to leave their decacying mother , because she was invincing them with her massive charm to stay with her , and for a while they might get convinced , by smelling her every day morning herbal essence , and stoney brown walls of her old youth , and the night of gathering the whole family around the dinner table , in a cafe perhaps , and laughing about the invincing stories of their mother and how they dealt with it , but what if she has nothing left ? what if these old days are gone by the death of the fathers and mothers , what will we , or our childern hang on , if this is the nowaday Cairo of their childhood ? then she will be truely "invincible according to its name , but this time , to her own children. 

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